OPTrust's Employer Manual is intended to provide participating employers with information about the OPSEU Pension Plan and its administration. Like other information on the OPTrust website, this manual does not create any rights to benefits not provided for in the actual terms of the Plan. For more information please see the site's legal disclaimer. A copy of the OPSEU Pension Plan Text is also available on the OPTrust website.
Version Dates/Content Updates
The contents of this manual are subject to change. In addition to periodic updates to the manual as a whole, individual sections may be revised as needed to reflect changes in the Plan’s provisions or in OPTrust’s policies and/or administrative procedures. Employer representatives should therefore use the online version of the manual posted on this site, rather than relying on printed versions of the manual contents, which may become out of date.
We have included a current version date in the lower left corner of each manual web page. Should you choose to use a previously printed material from this manual, please confirm that the content is current by checking it against the current version date for the corresponding section available on the OPTrust website.
Previous Administration Manuals
In the past, OPTrust published a Pension Administration Manual for employers: in print in 1997 and 1999, and in PDF format in 2001. These manuals are now obsolete. Printed copies of previous manuals should be withdrawn from use or destroyed.
For More Information
If you have any questions about this manual or the OPSEU Pension Plan, please refer to the "Contacts for Employers" link on the right side of each manual page. Members who have questions about their pension benefits should contact OPTrust directly.