About OPTrust

With net assets of $25 billion, OPTrust invests and manages one of Canada’s largest pension funds and administers the OPSEU Pension Plan (including OPTrust Select), a defined benefit plan with over 111,000 members.

OPTrust was established to give plan members and the Government of Ontario an equal voice in the administration of the OPSEU Pension Plan and the management of the assets through joint trusteeship. OPTrust is governed by a 10-member Board of Trustees, five of whom are appointed by OPSEU and five by the Government of Ontario.

OPTrust is subject to federal and Ontario laws and regulations governing registered pension plans. As the plan administrator, our role is to prudently manage the Plan’s assets, ensure that members receive the pension benefits to which they are entitled, and provide them with the finest service and communications.

Read our funded status report for a detailed review of OPTrust’s strategy and results in 2023.




The OPSEU Pension Plan was created to provide members with a say in their pension plan through joint trusteeship. The Plan is jointly sponsored by the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU). OPTrust is a legal trust formed by an agreement between the sponsors and exists at arm's length from both OPSEU and the Government.

OPTrust officially began operating on January 1, 1995. Under the leadership of the Board of Trustees, OPTrust is responsible for administering the pension benefits under the Plan and investing the Plan's assets to support the cost of those benefits.

OPTrust is our business name and our legal name is the OPSEU Pension Plan Trust Fund.

Statement Regarding Modern Slavery

Read our Statement regarding Modern Slavery.