Application for Past Pension Service
To buy back credit for eligible periods of past service, members can complete and submit this form to OPTrust.
Declaration of Spousal Relationship
Complete this form if you are the spouse of a deceased member of the OPSEU Pension Plan and believe you are entitled to spousal survivor benefits.
Death of Plan Member
Employers must complete this form to report the death of an active member, including members that were receiving Long Term Income Protection (LTIP) immediately before their death.
Member's Statement on Disability
This form should be completed by a member of the OPSEU Pension Plan as part of the process of applying for disability benefits.
RRSP Direct Transfer Form for transferring funds to OPTrust when buying back service credit
This form is used to record a direct transfer from an RRSP to the OPSEU Pension Plan.
Direct Transfer from OPTrust
This form must be completed if you want to transfer your pension entitlement from the OPSEU Pension Plan to a LIRA, LIF, RRSP or RRIF.
Retiree Spousal Information and Beneficiary Designation
Complete this form and return it to OPTrust if you are a retired member of the OPSEU Pension Plan and you wish to update your spousal information and/or designate a beneficiary for any survivor benefits that may be payable from OPTrust after your pension has started.
Disabled Child Information
Complete this form if you are a member or a retired member and you are the parent of a child who is dependent on you and/or your spouse due to a mental or physical disability.
Personal Information Change Request
Complete this form to request a change to your personal information.
Need help accessing and submitting your forms?
Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to download the form you need and submit your completed form through our secure online account, by fax (416-681-6175) or mail it to our corporate office address.