What you need to know
Your membership in the Plan ends when your job is divested to another employer.
You can pay a lump sum for any outstanding buyback balance or take the reduced pension service when the divestment happens
OPTrust will continue to send you an Annual Pension Statement outlining your pension estimates, pension service and more.
Access to your Online Services account ends when we receive your divestment notice and is reactivated when you start to receive your pension.
You and your eligible survivors may be eligible for post-retirement insured benefits.
Did you know that your pension is protected when your job is divested?
Your pension with OPTrust is protected when your job is divested:
If you become a member of a registered pension plan offered by your new employer, the OPSEU Pension Plan will recognize your years of pension service in your successor plan for eligibility for an early unreduced pension in the OPSEU Pension Plan.
However, your pension will be based on the pension service you have earned in the OPSEU Pension Plan only.
To start your pension from the OPSEU Pension Plan you must terminate your employment with your successor employer (unless you turn 65).
The Pension Benefits Act imposes statutory requirements to protect your pension benefit.
When to contact us
You are planning to retire
You leave your successor employer before retirement
Change of address, email or other contact information
Change in spousal status