New to the Plan

It's your pension: A guide to the OPSEU Pension Plan
Everything you need to know about your Plan can be found right here. Find out more about the advantages of a defined benefit pension plan, view your Plan’s features, learn how to prepare for retirement and more.
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Welcome to the OPSEU Pension Plan
10 Things you need to know about your Plan
The Plan is a defined benefit plan, meaning you will receive a secure, predictable income in retirement.
Your employer handles your enrolment in the Plan, which is mandatory for permanent employees.
Membership in the Plan ends generally if you leave your job, die or retire.
Your contributions to the Plan are deducted from your bi-weekly pay and your contributions are matched by your employer.
You may have the option to buy back past service with an employer who participates in the Plan or past service in another registered pension plan.
You could transfer your pension service to or from another pension plan if there is a transfer agreement in place. Transfers to and from the OPSEU Pension Plan.
We provide you with an Annual Pension Statement every year which outlines important information including your pension service and contributions earned in the last year, estimated retirement dates and pension amount, as well as spousal and beneficiary information.
We assign you a unique OPTrust ID number that identifies you in our system. Use this ID number to log into your Online Services account.
A pension may also be payable to your spouse or dependent children, in the event of your death.
We are focused on serving our members. See our Service Delivery Standards.
New member checklist
Apply for a buyback or pension service transfer (if applicable)
If you’d like to apply to buy back past service or transfer in pension service from another plan, be sure to do it soon, as certain deadlines apply.
Provide spouse, child(ren) and beneficiary information
Send us a copy of:
Member Spousal Information and Beneficiary Designation (OPTrust 1015) form
Statement of Marital Status (OPTrust 3007) form (if applicable)
Disabled Child Information (OPTrust 1065) form (if applicable)
Your spouse’s proof of age (if applicable)
Make sure to register for Online Services
When you receive your OPTrust ID (by email or regular mail), you’ll be able to log in to your Online Services account, see your personal information and update your beneficiaries.
Ready to submit your documents?
Find out how life events could impact your pension
Taking a leave of absence
Members who are planning a leave of absence or who have recently returned from a leave have the option to buy back pension credit.
Buying back pension service
If you took a leave of absence without pay and didn’t make pension contributions while you are away from work, find out if and how you can buy back service.
Participating in a temporary part-time work arrangement
Members of the OPSEU Pension Plan can earn full pension service if they enter into an arrangement with their employer to temporarily reduce their regular working hours.
Changing your spousal status before retirement
Marital status affects survivor benefits. If your marital status changes, notify OPTrust to ensure your information is up to date.
Leaving your job
If you leave your job before retirement, your membership in the pension plan ends. You have options regarding your pension.
Planning for your loved ones before retirement
Your OPTrust pension provides benefits for your survivors, so it's important that you identify who you want to receive those benefits.
Planning for retirement
Retirement is a major life change. Preparation and planning will help with a smooth transition to this next phase of your life.

Planning for your loved ones

Your OPTrust pension and buying back pension service
Check out our pension information sessions and videos
Our pension information sessions are a great way to learn more about your pension.

OPTions Winter 2024
Check out the Winter 2024 issue of OPTions, a newsletter for members of the OPSEU pension plan.