Secure Employer Portal
Overview and user guide
This section provides background information on OPTrust’s secure portal.
OPTrust’s Secure Portal allows employers in the Ontario Public Service (OPS), other employers who contribute to the OPSEU Pension Plan, and external vendors (actuaries, accountants, auditors, lawyers, and unions) to exchange sensitive employer/member data with OPTrust. The Portal is protected by Secure Socket Layers (SSL) technology to allow the discreet exchange of information between OPTrust and its clients. Any information sent by OPTrust and its employers or agents through the Portal is protected both ways from any unauthorized access. Only authorized users can access the online Portal to send and receive information.
The OPTrust Secure Portal l allows registered users to:
send and receive electronic messages (with attachments), and
send payroll data files (restricted by role).
While each user will be assigned an OPTrust ID and password for accessing the system, each user will also be linked by his or her employer relationship.
Users will log in with their email address and password and be linked by their employer relationship.

Contacting OPTrust
The Secure Messages page allows you to send secure messages to OPTrust. Messages cannot be sent to specific staff members but instead should be sent to the most relevant mailbox. If you are sending your message to a specific OPTrust employee please indicate “Attention: John Doe” in the body of the message.
Important! Any message sent through the OPTrust Secure Portal can be viewed by any staff member at OPTrust along with other representatives from the sender’s organization. Do not use the Portal to send messages of a private nature intended only for specific individuals at OPTrust.
Secure messages
Secure messaging should be used when confidential information is included in a message or file attachment. Confidential information can include but is not limited to:
members’ personal information such as Social Insurance Number (SIN), date of birth, employment information, salary information
grievance award information
personal banking information
confidential financial reports
records of employment
any OPTrust electronic forms.
The Secure Messages page displays all your incoming and outgoing secure messages for the organization(s) with which you are associated.
Each message has a unique reference number assigned to the message thread.
Messages you have not viewed are indicated by a red envelope icon to the left of the message.
The messages are sorted by date in descending order. All replies to a message will have the same reference number as the original message (replies are indicated with a return arrow icon).
Note: Messages cannot be deleted and will remain in the OPTrust Secure Portal. However, they can be archived (and referenced within the archived messages). Messages that you send and any OPTrust response can be viewed by other users who are associated with the same organization.
File upload
The file upload section of the Secure Portal will only be accessible to users who are assigned the file upload role. If you are not able to access the File Upload section of the website this indicates that you do not have the required role.
The File Upload page displays all the files sent by the organization(s) with which you are associated. Data suppliers are required to send the biweekly pension data files to OPTrust through the secured method. When a user successfully uploads a data file, OPTrust will be notified automatically.
Note: Only OPTrust can delete files uploaded to the secure portal.
The reports section will only be accessible to those SES users that are assigned the Payroll Managers role. If you do not see the Reports link on the left-hand navigation, then you are not assigned the role.
There is one standard report that will be available on a regular basis in the SES:
Missed mandatory contributions details periods where mandatory member contributions were missed.
Note: Users of the Reports section of the SES will only be able to receive reports. To send a report to OPTrust, the user must send it as an attachment to a secure message.
Account management
OPTrust Secure Portal user accounts can be created and managed by OPTrust or the Employer Administrator.
Important! If an employer user is changing roles, changing employers or terminating his or her position, the Employer Administrator should make this change immediately. Alternatively, OPTrust can be notified and make the change.
Types of accounts
There are three external user roles available for users of the OPTrust Secure Portal:
The communications role allows the user to send and receive secure messages.
The file upload role allows the user to send and receive secure messages as well as upload files.
The administrator role allows the user to send and receive data files and secure messages, as well as set up new users and change user roles for individuals within their specified organization.
Passwords must adhere to specific complexity requirements; they must be a minimum of 8 characters, include at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter and a symbol (!@#$%^&).